segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013

HOLY FAMILY PROVINCE se prepara para comemorar o centenário da chegada das Irmãs naquele país.

No dia 17 de agosto, as Irmãs Carmella Chojnacki e Leonarda Nowak celebraram seu Jubileu de Ouro de Vida Religiosa.

                "Let me tell you about Mother Franziska!"                   

As we Daughters of Divine Charity 
prepare for the 100th Anniversary 
of the Sisters coming to the United States,
let me tell you about the Golden Jubilee
of Sister Leonarda Nowak and
Sister Carmella Chojnacki (Me) 
held on August 17th in Akron, Ohio.

Prayer for the Beatification of
Mother Franziska Lechner
God, our Father,
in meditating on the open heart of Jesus,
you let your servant,
Franziska Lechner,
realize the one thing necessary in her life: 
Communion with you through your Beloved Son
in the love of the Holy Spirit.
By this deep experience of your never-ending love,
you urged her to make your love visible in the world.
To your greater glory,
she tirelessly worked
for the good of all those
whom you had entrusted to her care.
We sincerely hope,
that you have made her worthy of your presence
and beseech you: 
Grant us, through her intercession,
 help in our requests
in order that we may partake in the joy
of seeing her glorified also here on earth.
For this we beseech you
through Jesus Christ, your son,
our Lord and God,
who in the unity of the Holy Spirit
lives and reigns with you for all eternity. 
For private use only
Please notify requests
through the intercession of Mother Franziska Lechner
to this address:
Sr. Maria Therezia Hetzel, FDC
Postulator: Causa Mutter Franziska Lechner
Jacquingasse 12-14     
A – 1030 WIEN,

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